space space


Autor/in:Jim Deacove
Verlag:Family Pastimes
Preis:US$ 15.95
Anzahl Spieler:1-16
Altersgruppe:ab 7 Jahre
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Kommentar:Thema: kooperatives Spiel
Beinhaltet "The Collection": Buch mit 40 weiteren Spielen
Pressetext:The game begins with a Random Universe arrangement. Players, using their Wits, Imaginations & Control Cards try to create an Ordered Universe of Life & Form. The beautifully illustrated cards represent various concepts that alone provide much to think & dream about. Play solitaire or with others, sharing ideas and strategies in a friendly, challenging way.

Plus THE COLLECTION A booklet of 40 more co-op card games for the same deck. Easy to learn. Fun to play. For ages 5-9 try Memory, Swami, Triples... or for ages 7-12, try Peace, Zoot, Melds... or for teens and adults, try Quota, Co-op Crib, Quilter's Delight, etc. Whether used for socials, family evenings, educational purposes, workshops, stimulating mental challenges or just plain fun, the Collection greatly extends the play value of these cards.
Material:Special deck of 56 full color cards
Booklet of illustrated rules and the 40 other bonus games
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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